Elder Abuse Bytes - WEAAD Edition 2

Published: Thu, 05/05/16

WEAAD 2016 is 40 Days Away!
Turn Your State Purple
Don't let your events go unnoticed! To add events to the map, fill out ACL's event submission form. Click the map below to stay up to date on events in your area! 

WEAAD Resource Highlights
Sample Letter to the Editor
The 2016 WEAAD campaigning materials include a long and short version of "Sample Letter to the Editor." These materials can be used to urge your local newspapers to encourage their readers to get more information on how they can make a difference. 

Finish This Sentence Campaign
​​​​​​​Join the NCEA in the "Finish This Sentence Campaign". Download and share the template and guidelines today! 
WEAAD Community Event Highlight
The NCEA applauds Justin Loscalzo, a student at Cincinnati State College, for his work promoting elder abuse awareness. Justin, with the help of classmates, disseminated WEAAD and NCEA resources to agencies in his area, set up a display with giveaways and materials at his university, and presented on his work at the end of spring semester. Justin is pictured above (right) with classmates Matt and Lisa. Thank you, Justin, for educating your peers and community members about elder abuse! 
Getting the Word Out for WEAAD Webinar 
Join the Administration for Community Living on Wednesday, May 11, from 2:00-3:00PM EDT for a free webinar, Getting the Word Out: Creating Compelling Communications for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Speakers will include members from the Administration for Community LivingFrameWorks Institute, the National Center on Elder Abuse

When it is time, use the information below to join (pre-registration is not required): 
Meeting number: 995 175 214
Audio Connection: 202-774-2300
Access Code: 995 175 214
  • Our four week social media countdown will begin May 19th. 
  • Use the hashtag #WEAAD2016 to promote events on social media.
  • Read the NCEA WEAAD Blog Series including the upcoming May edition. 
  • Send WEAAD event photos (past and present) to WEAADpics@acl.hhs.gov.​​​​​​​

 Have Questions?